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This post is also available in: Čeština (Czech)
One of my students once told me:
“When I feel overwhelmed at work, I get up from my desk, play your video and tap dance. Those little breaks really help me. I do it every time I need a break. After 5 minutes, I feel relaxed and ready to go back to work.”
I loved that idea. I started telling this story to other students, and surprisingly found out that many of them were doing something similar. They tap danced at work during coffee breaks, when they were copying documents, while waiting in a queue or after work with friends, spouses or their children.
For this reason, I came up with the idea to create a one year challenge to help my students take those breaks. You are invited to join the challenge too.
I dedicate this challenge to my beloved students, all of whom are women I admire and enjoy spending time with. This challenge is also for anyone who loves tap dancing and wants to join us in taking those mini breaks.
Every Thursday for one year, starting 18th of January 2018, I’ll pick a few steps from my Tap Dance Diary and create a new routine.
I know how busy you are, so I will keep them short (about 5 minutes). The good news is that you can play the videos as many times as you want and tap dance whenever it suits you.
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